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Sunday 20 March 2011

       About The Great Wall of China                                                                                                                                                                                               History about the Great Wall of China!
It is thought that the earliest wall was built in the rule of Emperor Qin, who successful unified parts of China around at 221 BC. Before the individual states had built their own wall of defences, but now Emperor Qin sought to connect the walls to provide defences against the northern invaders. He ordered the building of the “Wan Li Chang Cheng" as it is known in China. This translates as "the ten thousand li Great Wall". A "li" is a Chinese length unit. 2 li is equal to 1 km.

The famous story
Meng Jiangnu Weeps.

Most of the original wall no longer exists on the wall. Over the centuries that followed each dynasty did more work to maintain and develop the of wall. The Ming dynasty in 1368-1644 carried out a major rebuilding project extending the Great Wall so which resulted in a 6000 kilometre wall which is what is mainly in evidence today.

How long is the Great Wall of China?
The Great Wall of China is about 6000 kilometre long. But if you were to measure all the individual structures and changes to the wall has made over the centuries, it is believed the final measurement would total over about 50000 kilometres!!!!

Facts about the Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China was built over 2000 years ago and it is the longest man-made structure ever built in the world. It is an instantly recognisable structure which many people are familiar with, But it is often people know less about it .We have gathered below some of the most interesting facts about the Great Wall including when the wall was built, how long the wall is, and if it is visible to see from the moon.

When was the Great Wall of China built?

The Great Wall was originally built over 2000 years ago, around at 221 BC. Most of the current Great Wall was built at during the Ming dynasty between 1368 and 1644.

More Pictures of the Great Wall of China Can u think how hard can it be to built at the hill side of the place.

The photo is taken in the morning look it is very beautiful.

Why was the Great Wall of China built?

It is believed that the main purpose of the Great Wall was to protect China is from invasion or attack by northern tribes like the Mongols.

The Great Wall of China from Space (or from the Moon)

It is actually a myth that the Great Wall can be seen from the moon. However, it can be seen from space, and images have been returned from low-level space vehicles including the space shuttle. The photo on the left is from NASA, and clearly shows parts of the wall.

Who built the Great Wall of China?

The original wall was ordered by the Emperor Qin over 2000 years ago. The people who was jailers, common people, soldiers, and labours. The wall was built of with different materials over the centuries. The materials are Local stone. Much use was made of local material to keep costs down and enable building to continue quickly. The later Ming wall was largely made of brick. It is estimated that up to 1 million people died while constructing the Great Wall! And the dead bodies were built together with the walls.

 Map of the Great Wall of China

This is a map of The Great Wall of China as it was in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) when the wall was rebuilt and extended. But now most of the Ming Dynasty wall can still be seen today.

How was the Great Wall of China defended?

The Great Wall included a series of watch towers, forts and house of soldiers, grain and weapons. Beacons could enable the passing of messages quickly along the wall. Special weapons were developed to enable the wall to be defended against attack, replicas of which are on display on the modern day wall. At one time it is thought that up to 1 million soldiers were stationed along the length of the wall!

How long did it take to build the Great Wall of China?

The Great Wall was built over many years. It is believed the original Great Wall was built over a period of approximately 20 years. The Great Wall which is mainly in evidence today was actually built during the Ming dynasty, over a period of around 200 years.

When was the Great Wall of China finished?

The original Great Wall was extended and developed until the rule of the Ming Dynasty. When the Ming rulers were overthrown in 1644, no further work was done on the Wall until the recent years in attempts to preserve parts of the structure.
 Today many tourists visit the Great Wall of China, and walk along it. You can see some in the photo above.

How many people did it take to build the Great Wall of China?

Many thousands of people were involved in the building of the wall. From records it appears that 300,000 soldiers and 500,000 common people were involved in constructing the original Great Wall under Emperor Qin. Many people lost their lives during this work and archaeologists have discovered many human remains buried under sections of the wall.

 More interesting Links about The Great Wall of China

Answer questions about the wall and “build” a virtual wallhttp://edsitement.neh.gov/GreatWall_flash_page.asp

Take a panoramic tour of sections of wall (NB. lots of advertising)

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